Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No Matter What

The world is a dark place. There is war. There is murder. There are kidnappings. Whether you like it or not, humans live with constant fear of the unknown. People who say, "no fear" can be naive. Because there are always threats on this earth: natural death, illness, environmental catastrophes.

Sometimes one's life can lead to a dark tunnel. You're surrounded by the darkness of hard, trying times. Sometimes, life takes the lemons it has given you, and rots them.

But what that popular quote doesn't include is the fact that life has also given you apples.

The world is a bright place. There is harmony. There is teamwork. There are adoption centers and homeless shelters that society has built to help humanity. People who say, "the world is a dark place" are naive. Because there are always apples on this earth when you're lemons have run out. Apples that are family, lovers, and parents.

Sometimes one's life can lead to a dark tunnel. You're surrounded by the darkness of hard, trying times. But you still have those apples.

In this world of dark and light, there are only a few constants that life has given you. Family will be forever forgiving, no matter what your mistakes are, they will always be there for you. They are a source of eternal happiness, a God-given gold watch: something that will never break or ever go out in style.

Of equal importance is one's significant other. Your lover, partner, hubby, better half, or wife or husband. Something which is called true love (corny, but you know the feeling once you have it). One's love life is a towering, twisting, and troublesome maze. You enter with your significant other. You may get lost, tripped, and separated, yet the couple will always find each other and continue through the maze and finish the journey together.

But of utmost importance are your parents.

Sidenote: I was trying to keep this post objective..yet I couldn't with the topic of parents. I have some things to say.

So, of utmost importance are my parents. Sometimes I wonder how they put up with me. I do a lot of stupid things, I disappoint them numerous times, and..well..I can be a pain in the ass. Recently, I've been putting in 50% effort towards them..sometimes being ignorant towards what they're feeling. Some close friends and family and my girlfriend have pointed that out to me. That I should try harder. That I should be more understanding. That I should be a good son. Let's just say, I entered a dark tunnel for a bit there.

Be grateful for what you have. Sometimes it takes some wandering off into long, dark tunnels in order to understand that there is a light to guide you toward the end. The light that is your parents, family, and loved one is unwavering.

No matter what.

(I know the apples and lemons analogy is really mediocre. I apologize, but it makes sense in my head. Also, "when life gives you lemons, just say 'F*ck the lemons,' and bail.")

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