Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Anyone that has grown up as the youngest in the family has a unique perspective on life and cousins. Growing up (growing up includes the present..aren't we all still growing?), I was the youngest of 4 children, me, my sister, and two of my oldest cousins.

I have so many random memories of our childhood that it feels so great just looking back on them..but the feeling becomes sad when I realize that these memories are buried in the past. Yes, we'll have each other forever, but we all have our own lives now. We don't live a block away from each other anymore. And since my memory is infamously terrible, I'm gonna jot some down here so I'll never forget them. Well here are two fond memories that I shared with Erika, Dom, and Cezar. If I think of more and don't get lazy to write them, I'll make another post.

Blizzard of '96

I think this was the very first blizzard that I been through. I was only 5 at the time, but I have some awesome memories of that time. I remember the snow that my family was shoveling kind of formed a least it looked like a maze because I was like 3 feet tall! I remember having the time of my life just running through the snow, not being able to see over it, but still having immense fun. No worries.

I also remember that Dom and Cezar built a HUGEEEE snow fort and froze it with water. Considering I was a tiny little human being, to me, this was the most amazing snow palace that I ever encountered. It had little tunnels for me and Erika to run through, windows and turret holes (I think it did, maybe my imagination is running a little wild right now) for us to launch snowballs out of, and it was built on a hill, which made the scene look epic when me and Erika held down the fort while Dom and Cezar attacked us while running up the hill like mad men. This scene right here is probably one of my favorite ones to look back on. :)

The Fart Van

We all went to the same elementary school for maybe a year (?). Dom must've been in 8th grade, Cezar in 7th, Erika was in 3rd, and I think I was in Kindergarten.  My mom or their mom would take turns driving all of us to school in the morning, St. John's in Bergenfield, and this fine morning's was my mom's turn.

So we pull up to the 7th and 8th grade building that's separate from the rest of the school. Dom gets out..and Cezar was second..but he was a little hesitant. And out of no mom, Erika, and I all smell a disgusting, putrid scent just wafting in the van. By the time my mom realized who did it and before she could scold him, Cezar slammed the sliding door and was off to class. The bandit made off without any repercussions.

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